Wednesday, October 27, 2010

All the help I Can Get.

I come the realization that having a great support team and ones you can count on is going to be my greatest supporter. Using all these resources that are available to me is what I have realized. Using a blog in the classroom is one of those support tools that needs to be utilized. No longer can a student say I don't remember you saying that or I didn't hear that for an excuse. I can use a blog to repeat lessons that students need help on or have missed due to illness.

Finding a way though to make sure the student visits the blog could be a challenge. One way is to have the answers to some bonus questions listed in the blog could work. For those students can visually see the lesson might benefit from it more as others. This, blogging it just one of those tools that should be utilized in a classroom.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blogs What Are They Good For?

While creating this blog it never occurred to me the uses that could come from this tool.  The only thing I know about blogs was they are a place to write whats on your mind.  It suddenly became apparent to me the power of the blog and its use in the classroom.  If you only use a blog for one purpose it should be used as a communicator between you, the parent, and your students. 

No more have the student saying, "I didn't hear you say that."  Or a parent try to explain that they didn't know your classroom management.  It is all right there for them to read at their will.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

To Use or Not to Use?

I like to think of myself as a person who is fairly knowledgeable about technology.  I that guy in my family that when there is a computer problem or question I get the call.  This class, tech 3300, definitely has pushed my creativity to a level that it has not been at in a while.  At first I didn't understand why teachers didn't want to take the time to learn this new technology and what it can do for them and their students.  Now I can easily see how senior teachers can shy away from this tool and not take full advantage from it.  It very much so takes a dedication of a teacher to education themselves on this tool which is not easy to learn, especially when the students know more than the teacher.

This class has helped me, so far, in showing me all that is available and what this technology can do for my class.  I've made a commitment to rededicate myself to this new technology and embrace it and not to leave it just sitting on the shelf.  I look forward to the up coming assignments and the things to learn.