Sunday, March 13, 2011

Having access to your blog from everywhere.

Leave Your Work At Work
As I begin with the building of my blog I’ve quickly found out that I can blog with every device I own.  I mean from my phone, ipad, and even my computer.  Even if its not my computer as long as I have access to the internet I can update my blog.  So what does this mean?  It means when you experience something unique you can blog about it instantaneous.  No longer do you have to write down notes so you can remember what you want to share. 

Obviously there comes a time and place to leave your work at work so monitor it appropriately.  There is nothing more frightening than when your family gets mad cause you can’t put down your phone.

Friday, March 11, 2011


This is a video I had made for middle school students to talk about cyber bully.